kobin.requests のソースコード


When a page is requested, automatically created a :class:`Request` object that
contains metadata about the request.
Since this object is global within the thread,
you can freely import from anywhere and retrieve request information.
import base64
import fnmatch
import hashlib
import hmac
import threading
import cgi
import json
import pickle
from urllib.parse import SplitResult
from http.cookies import SimpleCookie

# Request Object #################################################################

[ドキュメント]class Request: """ A wrapper for WSGI environment dictionaries. """ __slots__ = ('environ', '_body', '_forms') def __init__(self, environ=None): self.environ = {} if environ is None else environ self.environ['kobin.request'] = self self._body = None self._forms = None def get(self, value, default=None): return self.environ.get(value, default) @property def path(self): """ The value of ``PATH_INFO`` with exactly one prefixed slash (to fix broken clients and avoid the "empty path" edge case). """ return '/' + self.environ.get('PATH_INFO', '').lstrip('/') @property def method(self): """ The ``REQUEST_METHOD`` value as an uppercase string. """ return self.environ.get('REQUEST_METHOD', 'GET').upper() @property def headers(self): return {k[len('HTTP_'):]: v for k, v in self.environ.items() if k.startswith('HTTP_')} @property def query(self): params = cgi.FieldStorage( environ=self.environ, keep_blank_values=True, ) p = {k: params[k].value for k in params} return p @property def forms(self): if self._forms is None: form = cgi.FieldStorage( fp=self.environ['wsgi.input'], environ=self.environ, keep_blank_values=True, ) self._forms = {k: form[k].value for k in form} return self._forms @property def raw_body(self): if self._body is None: self._body = self.environ['wsgi.input'].read( int(self.environ.get('CONTENT_LENGTH', 0))) return self._body @property def body(self): return self.raw_body.decode('utf-8') @property def json(self): return json.loads(self.body) @property def url(self): protocol = self.get('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO') or self.get('wsgi.url_scheme', 'http') host = self.get('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST') or self.get('HTTP_HOST') query_params = self.get("QUERY_STRING") url_split_result = SplitResult(protocol, host, self.path, query_params, '') return url_split_result.geturl() @property def cookies(self): cookies = SimpleCookie(self.environ.get('HTTP_COOKIE', '')).values() return {c.key: c.value for c in cookies} def get_cookie(self, key, default=None, secret=None, digestmod=hashlib.sha256): from kobin.app import current_config if secret is None: secret = current_config('SECRET_KEY') value = self.cookies.get(key) if secret and value and value.startswith('!') and '?' in value: # See BaseResponse.set_cookie for details. if isinstance(secret, str): secret = secret.encode('utf-8') sig, msg = map(lambda x: x.encode('utf-8'), value[1:].split('?', 1)) hash_string = hmac.new(secret, msg, digestmod=digestmod).digest() if sig == base64.b64encode(hash_string): key_and_value = pickle.loads(base64.b64decode(msg)) if key_and_value and key_and_value[0] == key: return key_and_value[1] return value or default def __getitem__(self, key): return self.environ[key] def __delitem__(self, key): self[key] = "" del (self.environ[key]) def __setitem__(self, key, value): """ Change an environ value and clear all caches that depend on it. """ self.environ[key] = value todelete = () if key == 'wsgi.input': todelete = ('body', 'forms', 'files', 'params', 'post', 'json') elif key == 'QUERY_STRING': todelete = ('query', 'params') elif key.startswith('HTTP_'): todelete = ('headers', 'cookies') for key in todelete: self.environ.pop('kobin.request.' + key, None) def __len__(self): return len(self.environ) def __repr__(self): return '<{cls}: {method} {url}>'.format( cls=self.__class__.__name__, method=self.method, url=self.path )
# for Accept header. def _split_into_mimetype_and_priority(x): """Split an accept header item into mimetype and priority. >>> _split_into_mimetype_and_priority('text/*') ('text/*', 1.0) >>> _split_into_mimetype_and_priority('application/json;q=0.5') ('application/json', 0.5) """ if ';' in x: content_type, priority = x.split(';') casted_priority = float(priority.split('=')[1]) else: content_type, casted_priority = x, 1.0 content_type = content_type.lstrip().rstrip() # Replace ' text/html' to 'text/html' return content_type, casted_priority def _parse_and_sort_accept_header(accept_header): """Parse and sort the accept header items. >>> _parse_and_sort_accept_header('application/json;q=0.5, text/*') [('text/*', 1.0), ('application/json', 0.5)] """ return sorted([_split_into_mimetype_and_priority(x) for x in accept_header.split(',')], key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
[ドキュメント]def accept_best_match(accept_header, mimetypes): """Return a mimetype best matched the accept headers. >>> accept_best_match('application/json, text/html', ['application/json', 'text/plain']) 'application/json' >>> accept_best_match('application/json;q=0.5, text/*', ['application/json', 'text/plain']) 'text/plain' """ for mimetype_pattern, _ in _parse_and_sort_accept_header(accept_header): matched_types = fnmatch.filter(mimetypes, mimetype_pattern) if matched_types: return matched_types[0] return mimetypes[0]
def _local_property(): ls = threading.local() def fget(_): try: return ls.var except AttributeError: raise RuntimeError("Request context not initialized.") def fset(_, value): ls.var = value def fdel(_): del ls.var return property(fget, fset, fdel, 'Thread-local property')
[ドキュメント]class LocalRequest(Request): bind = Request.__init__ environ = _local_property() _body = _local_property() _forms = _local_property()
request = LocalRequest()